
Galerie Eric Philippe
Eric Philippe opened his gallery in the center of Paris in 1980. An expert in twentieth-century furniture, he specializes in European and North American design from 1920 to 1970. The gallery has presented major exhibitions since its first in 1980, which was devoted to Jean-Michel Frank. The exhibitions feature architects, designers or artistic movements and each is accompanied by a published catalogue. The most recent shows have focused on Swedish Grace, Paavo Tynell, Axel Einar Hjorth, Finnish design, and the American modernism of James Mont and Paul László.Design Miami/ Basel 2021 Exhibition
Eric Philippe is mindful of showing styles and specialties of each period or movement based on leading designers, such as Alvar Aalto, Axel Einar Hjorth, Terence Harold Robsjohn-Gibbings, Gio Ponti, and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Axel Einar Hjorth
Anna Petrus
Paavo Tynell
Alvar Aalto
Birger Kaipiainen
Hans Wegner
Paul László
James Mont
Frank Lloyd Wright
25 galerie Véro-Dodat,
Paris 75001, France
European and North American design from 1920 to 1980

> Gallery